I have been feeling pretty lost in my alone time with God lately. Between waking up in the middle of the night to feed my precious baby, changing diapers, fixing dinner, wiping noses (you get the idea)...my time in the word, which should be what starts my day, finally enters my mind as I'm going to bed at night. Well, starting tomorrow, I'd like to do a 'sweep' through God's Word. Something to help me see the big picture, and reaffirm my love of the Word! This set of reading is 2 weeks long...the plan is to rise early, and start my day (like I should already be doing) spending time in the word with my Savior.
Who'd like to do this with me? :)
Week 1- August 31
Wednesday - Genesis 1-3
Thursday - Genesis 12-17
Friday - Exodus 1-3, 12
Saturday - Exodus 14, 19-20
Sunday - Joshua 23-24; Judges 1-2
Monday - 1 Samuel 8, 16; 2 Samuel 7, 11; Psalm 105
Tuesday - Isaiah 7, 9, 11, 35, 52-53, 65
Week 2- September 10th
Wednesday - Jeremiah 30-33; Ezekiel 36-37, Zechariah 9; Malachi 3-4
Thursday - Matt. 1:1; Mark 1:1-15; John 1:1-18; 5:39-46; Luke 24
Friday - Mark 14:1-16:8
Saturday - Acts 1-2; 13:13-49
Sunday - Rom. 1:1-6; 16-17; 3:9-31; 5:12-21; 8:18-23; 1 Cor. 15:1-23
Monday - Heb. 1:1-4; 10:19-12:2
Tuesday - Revelation 1; 20-22
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Note from a weary mother...
Here's another old post from August 2010. Feel encouraged - you CAN preach the Gospel to even your littlest ones!
Proverbs 19:18...
"Discipline your son, for there is hope; Do not set your heart on putting him to death."
I read this verse in my quiet time this morning...and was really thanking God for having a sense of humor. Oh my, I have to say, the moment I read this couldn't have been more perfect....I really had a good laugh, and I think God knew I needed a laugh.
You see, things with Lily have not been all that easy lately. Wow, that's an understatment, huh! What is ever 'all that easy' with a toddler. I can see some progress lately...but it seems like a lot of days, I want to break down in tears at some point!
Thank you, Lord, for tears in laughter today!
Now, Now, I have no desire to bring harm to my daughter, good grief! I think you mommies out there surely know where I'm coming from here. :)
So, after looking at this verse several times, and smiling...Here's the real scoop:
"Discipline your son, for there is hope; Do not set your heart on..." him being spiritually dead.
I have been thanking God lately that His word does not return void. I am trying every day to use scripture when I am disciplining Lily...but I just feel like I'm not very good at it. Thank God He is the strongest when I feel the weakest!
A very good friend of mine reminded me of this promise last week: Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
For all you mommies out there that feel like you are barely hanging on by the end of the day - take heart! Keep working God's word into the soil of your child's heart each day, and don't give up! You and I both want our babies to come to the saving knowledge of our amazing Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. YOU are the one planting those seeds right now.
If you ever need encouragement, please talk with me! I would love to pray for you - and I would love for you to pray for me too!
In the mean time, check this post out over at the girltalk blog :)
Proverbs 19:18...
"Discipline your son, for there is hope; Do not set your heart on putting him to death."
I read this verse in my quiet time this morning...and was really thanking God for having a sense of humor. Oh my, I have to say, the moment I read this couldn't have been more perfect....I really had a good laugh, and I think God knew I needed a laugh.
You see, things with Lily have not been all that easy lately. Wow, that's an understatment, huh! What is ever 'all that easy' with a toddler. I can see some progress lately...but it seems like a lot of days, I want to break down in tears at some point!
Thank you, Lord, for tears in laughter today!
Now, Now, I have no desire to bring harm to my daughter, good grief! I think you mommies out there surely know where I'm coming from here. :)
So, after looking at this verse several times, and smiling...Here's the real scoop:
"Discipline your son, for there is hope; Do not set your heart on..." him being spiritually dead.
I have been thanking God lately that His word does not return void. I am trying every day to use scripture when I am disciplining Lily...but I just feel like I'm not very good at it. Thank God He is the strongest when I feel the weakest!
A very good friend of mine reminded me of this promise last week: Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
For all you mommies out there that feel like you are barely hanging on by the end of the day - take heart! Keep working God's word into the soil of your child's heart each day, and don't give up! You and I both want our babies to come to the saving knowledge of our amazing Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. YOU are the one planting those seeds right now.
If you ever need encouragement, please talk with me! I would love to pray for you - and I would love for you to pray for me too!
In the mean time, check this post out over at the girltalk blog :)
Family Bible Time
This is an old post from March 2010...I love how Family Bible Time evolves as our girls get older.
Hello everyone :)
Brandon and I have been doing 'Family Bible Time' with Lily for a little while now...and just about a 1.5 weeks ago, we adopted a firm routine with it. We were talking about how well it's going, and decided maybe we could help some other families with toddlers establish a regular family devotion time. I'm sure many of you already have a nice routine going, I just wanted to share what we're doing, and maybe we can get some feedback on what you all are up to :) I hope this post helps/blesses your family!!
I am going to post 1) some ideas we had, 2) the routine itself 3) the first week's lesson we used 4) some wonderful resources....
1) Ideas
** We decided to use just one story from the Bible per week...Lily is only 22 months old, the more repetition, the more she loves it!
** Because we have a busy, busy schedule, there are some nights Brandon doesn't make it home from church in time to do our Bible time. On those nights, I lead the devo. On the nights that Brandon is home, he leads. (in other words, we always do Family Bible Time. And also, it's just a little way she sees that Daddy is the leader)
** Once a week, Brandon reads the actual account from the Bible. And on the nights we read the story from a more toddler-friendly book (resources below), we still have the Bible and talk about what the Bible is ("God's own words!") and how the story we are reading is found in the Bible.
** We sing together out of the hymnal itself for many reasons. First because the songs are all scripturally based. Second, because they are very repetitive. And third, we follow the notes and words with our pointer fingers and it keeps her attention really well, she seems to really enjoy that.
* And one more little thing: we call it family Bible time because Bible is easier for Lily to say than Devotion ;) (also, her saying it is SO cute:)
2) The Routine
We fashion our routine after a 'Family Worship Routine' we found on Shepherd Press Blog (link below). It is as follows:
1.Bible Reading
2. Bible Interpretation
3. Songs/Hymns
4. Pray
5. The Gospel
6. Scripture Memory
3) Our first week's lesson (I will post subsequent lessons later)
Week One:
1. Bible Reading: Story of Creation
2. Bible Interpretation:
Catechism Questions 1 & 2 (resource below).
We did the following chant with actions: "God made _____!"
God (point to the sky)
made (two fists on top of each other, like a potter making something)
__________ (me!, Mommy!, Daddy! Sadie! (For the Beauty of the Earth, This is My Father's World
4. Pray, thanking God for making all things (naming different things)
5. The Gospel: Now, this can be a difficult with little ones...I have listed some resources below for sharing the Gospel with little ones, but here's a really basic idea of what we do...."Lily, sometimes we do bad things, don't we? Mommy, Daddy, and Lily all mess up and do bad things sometimes. Well, Jesus (God!) never did anything bad, ever! And he can forgive us for all the bad things that we do...isn't that good news??" (that's not exactly how it goes every night...but it's tough, you know?!)
6. Scripture memory: Here is where Mommy and Daddy recite our scripture for the week for Lily to hear, and we sing Lily's scripture song with her. (again, resources below). Lily's scripture song for this week was:
Psalm 19:1 (tune: The Mulberry Bush)
The heavens tell the glory of God
Glory of God, Glory of God
The heavens tell the glory of God,
Psalm nineteen, verse one!
The skies tell what God's hands have made
Hands have made, hands have made
The skies tell what God's hands have made
Psalm nineteen, verse one!
Read~Aloud Bible Stories by Ella K. Lindvall -- all four volumes, GREAT for Toddlers..perfect really! (more than 40 weeks of Bible stories in all, with some interp at the end)
Pray & Play Bible by Group Publishing -- stories more for preschool, activities for all ages. (there are two volumes)
The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm -- highly recommended for Preschoolers
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Susan Hunt -- WOW! this is amazing, and I can't wait until Lily is old enough for it. This Bible tells each Bible story, and shows how it points toward Jesus.
For Parents: I highly recommend Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, and Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman (how to share The Gospel With Children is in the back of this book). I am getting ready to read Gospel Powered Parenting by William P. Farley...Brandon got this for me, and it looks really good.
Good Website/Blog Suggestions:
http://www.shepherdpress.com/blog/ -- this is where I found 'Family Worship Guide'
http://www.dltk-kids.com/ -- I have NOT read this site...I just know they have good crafts and songs...
http://www.christianpreschoolprintables.com/index.html -- again, I have not read much on here, but they have great craft ideas, lapbooks, and you can find a lot for any age group.
http://ministry-to-children.com/ -- a wonderful resource for all kinds of children's ministry.
And lastly, here are links to the shorter catechism for boys and girls...check it out. We are doing this with our kiddos at church on Sunday nights:
and ONE more thing! :) Here is some good scripture memory resources:
http://shepherding.typepad.com/my_weblog/files/family_worship_guide.pdf (this is the family worship guide, scripture memory is at the bottom)
For you mommies, I am really loving www.girltalkhome.com blog. And I LOVED the book 'Shopping for Time' by these ladies.
I hope you actually made it through this post...I know it's L-O-N-G!! But I pray it helps! Please, if you can, share with me what you're doing at home with your little ones. OR if you haven't begun anything, let me encourage you to do what you can, however much or little that may be. I know some of you are like "Do I need ONE MORE THING in my day?!" Just focus on the eternal rewards ;) Us mom's have to stick together, and share our ideas!
God bless all of you!!
Heather T.
Hello everyone :)
Brandon and I have been doing 'Family Bible Time' with Lily for a little while now...and just about a 1.5 weeks ago, we adopted a firm routine with it. We were talking about how well it's going, and decided maybe we could help some other families with toddlers establish a regular family devotion time. I'm sure many of you already have a nice routine going, I just wanted to share what we're doing, and maybe we can get some feedback on what you all are up to :) I hope this post helps/blesses your family!!
I am going to post 1) some ideas we had, 2) the routine itself 3) the first week's lesson we used 4) some wonderful resources....
1) Ideas
** We decided to use just one story from the Bible per week...Lily is only 22 months old, the more repetition, the more she loves it!
** Because we have a busy, busy schedule, there are some nights Brandon doesn't make it home from church in time to do our Bible time. On those nights, I lead the devo. On the nights that Brandon is home, he leads. (in other words, we always do Family Bible Time. And also, it's just a little way she sees that Daddy is the leader)
** Once a week, Brandon reads the actual account from the Bible. And on the nights we read the story from a more toddler-friendly book (resources below), we still have the Bible and talk about what the Bible is ("God's own words!") and how the story we are reading is found in the Bible.
** We sing together out of the hymnal itself for many reasons. First because the songs are all scripturally based. Second, because they are very repetitive. And third, we follow the notes and words with our pointer fingers and it keeps her attention really well, she seems to really enjoy that.
* And one more little thing: we call it family Bible time because Bible is easier for Lily to say than Devotion ;) (also, her saying it is SO cute:)
2) The Routine
We fashion our routine after a 'Family Worship Routine' we found on Shepherd Press Blog (link below). It is as follows:
1.Bible Reading
2. Bible Interpretation
3. Songs/Hymns
4. Pray
5. The Gospel
6. Scripture Memory
3) Our first week's lesson (I will post subsequent lessons later)
Week One:
1. Bible Reading: Story of Creation
2. Bible Interpretation:
Catechism Questions 1 & 2 (resource below).
We did the following chant with actions: "God made _____!"
God (point to the sky)
made (two fists on top of each other, like a potter making something)
__________ (me!, Mommy!, Daddy! Sadie! (For the Beauty of the Earth, This is My Father's World
4. Pray, thanking God for making all things (naming different things)
5. The Gospel: Now, this can be a difficult with little ones...I have listed some resources below for sharing the Gospel with little ones, but here's a really basic idea of what we do...."Lily, sometimes we do bad things, don't we? Mommy, Daddy, and Lily all mess up and do bad things sometimes. Well, Jesus (God!) never did anything bad, ever! And he can forgive us for all the bad things that we do...isn't that good news??" (that's not exactly how it goes every night...but it's tough, you know?!)
6. Scripture memory: Here is where Mommy and Daddy recite our scripture for the week for Lily to hear, and we sing Lily's scripture song with her. (again, resources below). Lily's scripture song for this week was:
Psalm 19:1 (tune: The Mulberry Bush)
The heavens tell the glory of God
Glory of God, Glory of God
The heavens tell the glory of God,
Psalm nineteen, verse one!
The skies tell what God's hands have made
Hands have made, hands have made
The skies tell what God's hands have made
Psalm nineteen, verse one!
Read~Aloud Bible Stories by Ella K. Lindvall -- all four volumes, GREAT for Toddlers..perfect really! (more than 40 weeks of Bible stories in all, with some interp at the end)
Pray & Play Bible by Group Publishing -- stories more for preschool, activities for all ages. (there are two volumes)
The Big Picture Story Bible by David Helm -- highly recommended for Preschoolers
The Jesus Storybook Bible by Susan Hunt -- WOW! this is amazing, and I can't wait until Lily is old enough for it. This Bible tells each Bible story, and shows how it points toward Jesus.
For Parents: I highly recommend Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, and Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman (how to share The Gospel With Children is in the back of this book). I am getting ready to read Gospel Powered Parenting by William P. Farley...Brandon got this for me, and it looks really good.
Good Website/Blog Suggestions:
http://www.shepherdpress.com/blog/ -- this is where I found 'Family Worship Guide'
http://www.dltk-kids.com/ -- I have NOT read this site...I just know they have good crafts and songs...
http://www.christianpreschoolprintables.com/index.html -- again, I have not read much on here, but they have great craft ideas, lapbooks, and you can find a lot for any age group.
http://ministry-to-children.com/ -- a wonderful resource for all kinds of children's ministry.
And lastly, here are links to the shorter catechism for boys and girls...check it out. We are doing this with our kiddos at church on Sunday nights:
and ONE more thing! :) Here is some good scripture memory resources:
http://shepherding.typepad.com/my_weblog/files/family_worship_guide.pdf (this is the family worship guide, scripture memory is at the bottom)
For you mommies, I am really loving www.girltalkhome.com blog. And I LOVED the book 'Shopping for Time' by these ladies.
I hope you actually made it through this post...I know it's L-O-N-G!! But I pray it helps! Please, if you can, share with me what you're doing at home with your little ones. OR if you haven't begun anything, let me encourage you to do what you can, however much or little that may be. I know some of you are like "Do I need ONE MORE THING in my day?!" Just focus on the eternal rewards ;) Us mom's have to stick together, and share our ideas!
God bless all of you!!
Heather T.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Catching up?
Well, catching up doesn't quite cut it. Let's just call it all new, and you can enjoy some pictures in the archives of the Tucker family blog ;) The next few posts will be things I have previously written. Who says every post has to be full of pictures of my kids...my mom? Well, mom, you're right. I'll try to keep up with the picture posts :) haha.
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