
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Trunk or Treat @ FBC

Here are some pictures of my Curious George with the Man in the Yellow Hat, and my little butterfly with Mommy (the butterfly catcher ;)

(if that isn't the face of a three year old...I don't know what is.) :)


I love how these girls love each other :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

My little baby girl

Little Baby Girl
5 months 3 weeks

My little Holly is getting SO big! I am in complete denial. Sure she can roll over...what she really wants to do is crawl, and it looks like it could happen soon! She sits up really well on her own. In the last few days she has really made a leap in her interaction with people. She laughs and smiles a LOT and does NOT cry very much at all. Holly is a great sleeper, she goes to bed around 7:45 in the evening, and doesn't wake up until 5:30 or 6, goes back to sleep and doesn't get up for the day until around 8:30 (most days). She is my happy happy baby :) And OH MY how Lily just loves her. I think Lily would seriously just play with her all day long if I didn't make her take a break (so Holly can have a break). We are SO in love :)
Here are some sweet pictures of our little love...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My big baby girl...

Catching up with some pictures and news for my two beautiful baby girls. First, let me just say, I feel so very blessed. Through the laughing and crying (and all the crazy emotions that come with having 3 females in the house) I truly wake up each day (even on the most tired days!) and say "Thank you Lord for my wonderful family!" These girls bring joy to Brandon and me that we couldn't have imagined before they were here :)

Big Baby Girl
3 years and 4 months

Lily...this girl cracks me up. She is always trying to be funny; she talks constantly...and when she isn't talking, she is knocking on something or sticking her tongue out or making some other silly face. Need some energy? This girl's got plenty!
Some of my favorite things Lily has said lately:
  • "Mommy, Lily is my short name. I'm a big sister now, you may call me Lillian."
  • After startling Holly: "Oh wittle Howee, I scawe you because I wove you." (did you catch that? ;)
  • How did you sleep Lily? "Mommy, I slept very well. I had dreams that you were hugging me and kissing me all night long."
  • Pretending to 'get married': "Mommy, meet my boy, Carlito Ball. We just got married at Silver Dollar City."
Lily is learning how to read, and progressing along really well! She has known all of her letters and sounds since last December (at 2 1/2 years old). She can quote scripture like nobody's business :) In an upcoming post I'll include a video of her quoting ALL of Psalm 23.

In the meantime, here are some pictures!
(Click on the collage to open in a new window, press ctrl + to make bigger, ctrl - to make smaller, and ctrl 0 to get back to original size)