
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Fun in the SUN!

We went out to have some fun in the sun on our first nice spring day.
Lily loved being outside...but only on the blanket, what you see here is the closest she would ever get to the grass!

Brandon loves this picture :)

Back inside for a few minutes....this picture cracks me up (I love it) I used to pose like this when I was a baby too! ha.

Dumping out the cheerios....
Where'd they go??? Here they are!!!

Silly me! :)

Now if we could only get the nice weather to come back...and STAY back! :)

A few random pictureictures......

(I can't help but rhyme every end of a sentence)
Just catching up with a few more....some are just too cute not to share!!


Herman the WORM

Oh what FUN!

Yay! :)

wait wait WAIT... WHAT is this thing???

Daddy SAVE ME!

This is Daddy....he keeps me safe ;)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mommy had surgery!?!

Yep, that's right, Mommy had pretty extensive eye surgery in January...and it knocked Mommy off the 'keeping up with the blog' train (long name for a train!). Anyway, I'm back......but (sorry!) I am not even going to try to post pictures of ALL the things Lillian has done since December....that would just get to be a little ridiculous! :) SO here's what I'll do: I am going to list the things she has done and when she did them, and I am going to make a couple of posts of highlight pictures....and then we'll be back in the swing of things!! :)

  • Lillian's first Christmas - crazy crazy! Lots of traveling....
  • Month 7, Week 1: Sits up from her stomach, sits up from her back, cuts a fifth tooth, starts crawling, starts pulling up, starts cruising (in that order)
  • Late Month 7/Early Month 8: Lily cuts a sixth tooth, Lily starts standing, in the middle of the room with no help...Lily starts waving hello and bye-bye.
  • Month 9 (no teeth!) : Lillian is SOOO close to walking, she takes steps here and there....
  • Month 10: Lily is walking (little by little) her record is 14 steps!! She now has a four word (pretty much) vocabulary: Mama, Dada, hi ('hah' and a wave), and uh-oh ('uohh') (in that order)

(Top picture is Dada, Mama and Lily at Silver Dollar City, right before Christmas; bottom pictures are Lily's Christmas pictures.)