
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm Six Months OId!!!

Oh my, how our baby girl is GROWING!

Lillian Noel and Sissy reading Curious George...Lily LOVES books!

This is Lily's favorite toy right now...
...the colors, the sound...she loves it all!

so much fun!


Michelle "Picklewart" said...

I hope you wiped all the peppermint candy smears off that toy... Grace left Lillian a present.
Man, she looks big in that swing! Her feet actually hang over the edge!

heathermt said...

Ha! Well, I remembered to wipe them off AFTER I found Lily really sticky...I was like "hmmm....what's this??" haha. I know, she is getting so big! I hate that I'm going to have to put away the swing, she is just starting to really enjoy it!